Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Prom for Everyone

Here is a letter I wrote to the George Mark Children's House.

Dear George Mark Children's House,

I want to thank you so much for thinking of me as your photographer for the GMCH Prom portraits. It was truly a remarkable experience and privilege to photograph the attendees of the prom.

The opportunity you offer these young people is a blessing and a gift to live life experiences that other children may have. I had a gut feeling something special would occur that night, because I see with my soul and capture with my heart. The uninitiated may not understand the full meaning of these photographs, but the parents and children themselves understand that they live in a different world – a world with limits and physical boundaries, but not a world without love and compassion.

Here are just a few of the shots I captured that evening. I feel there is a nice collection of photos that should serve as a poignant reminder of the grace and beauty that is possessed in everybody.

Christian Peacock

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